Dedicated to the men and women of Auchencairn who served during the First World War

Answering the Call - Auchencairn and the First World War (see Publicity poster)
The original aim of the project was to publish the stories of the eighteen men commemorated on Auchencairn War Memorial. However, my research has established that over one hundred men and women from the village and its surrounds served in an official capacity during WW1. Consequently, the scope of the project has been broadened to include all and, where known, the book lists each individual's connection to Auchencairn, a summary of their war service and, where possible, a contemporary photograph. The major part of the book focuses on the lives and fate of the men who were killed or died in service; the eighteen men named on the village memorial and those with links to Auchencairn who are commemorated on memorials elsewhere.
How you can help
Men and women from Auchencairn known to have served in WW1 are listed within these Web pages. Where known, family information and placenames have been provided as a memory-aid. Please take some time to look at the names and, where possible, provide information - photographs and personal details (occupation, address, family information). A number of families submitted information and photographs and to them I wish to express my thanks.
Although the book is now published, further help will still be gratefully received, with a special plea for photographs of those involved. Also, if you know of any omissions then please get in touch. Please note that this project is not limited to those who died; information on all men and women who served will be very much appreciated.
The names have been divided into categories to ease browsing:
1. Those who died as a result of their war service and are commemorated on Auchencairn War Memorial are listed in the Auchencairn Roll of Honour
2. Those commemorated on memorials elsewhere are named in the Associated Roll of Honour
3. Those who served and were fortunate enough to return home is, thankfully, a larger list and has been arranged alphabetically by surname into a Nominal Roll that is made available over three separate pages; surnames A-H, surnames J-M and surnames O-W
If you think you can help or wish to comment on this project, then please use the contact form to get in touch.